Customer Data Platforms Consulting (CDP)

It’s 2024: CRM and DMP are a Passé, New Age Marketers use CDPs

CDPs have found a place in the marketing playbook amid rising privacy concerns and data privacy/security. Rising Customer Acquisition costs and difficulties faced in Customer Retention make the battleground ready for CDPs at the centre of customer segmentation and activation. 

There are 4 main building blocks of a Real-time CDP

Single Customer View

Scalable Data Infrastructure

Theme Guided Analytics

Predictive Customer Analytics

Why do you need a Real-Time CDP?

Get Closer to Your Customers!

To excel in personalized marketing, it’s crucial to:

Deeply understand your customers: What are their motivations and behaviors?

Recognize their uniqueness:
What are their distinct preferences and interests?

Identify what drives their actions:
What influences them to engage, purchase, or share?

How to Make It Happen?

Gather data: Collect valuable information about your customers.

Analyze and refine: Process the data to reveal meaningful insights.

Act on insights: Leverage these learnings to engage and connect with your audience.

Who can benefit from a CDP?

Retailers and E-commerce Companies

They can use CDPs to understand customer purchasing behavior, personalize recommendations, and optimize marketing strategies

Healthcare Providers

They can utilize CDPs to create comprehensive patient profiles and improve patient engagement and care.

Financial Services

Banks and insurance companies can leverage CDPs to offer personalized services and improve customer relationship management.

Media and Entertainment

Companies in this sector can benefit from CDPs by personalizing content recommendations and understanding viewer preferences.

Travel and Hospitality

Airlines, hotels, and travel agencies can use CDPs to enhance the customer experience by offering tailored recommendations and personalized communication.

How do we make CDP work for you?

Single Customer view

Get a personalized customer model that is as unique as your business!

We blend data from:

  • Your own data (first-party)
  • User activity (on-site/in-app)
  • External data (third-party)
  • Campaign responses (what works and what doesn’t)

This mix creates a 360° Single Customer View, a dynamic dataset that’s:

  • Always up-to-date
  • Accessible to your team
  • Used to craft personalized experiences across all channels!
Think of it as a customized blueprint to deepen customer connections!


Scalable Data Infrastructure

Our’s cutting-edge tech stack gives you:

  • Instant access to all customer data in real-time
  • Lightning-fast processing with Snowflake’s Cloud Data Warehouse
  • Continuous data streaming via Confluent Cloud and Apache Kafka
This powerful combo lets you:
  • Tap into fresh customer insights
  • Share data for advanced analytics
  • Fuel your own models with up-to-date info
  • Create new customer attributes to drive personalized experiences!
Think of it as a high-performance engine for customer data, driving business success!

Predictive Customer Analytics

Our CDP’s predictive power helps you:

  • Tailor messages to individual customer personas
  • Deliver personalized offers that resonate
  • Boost short-term engagement and long-term loyalty

Here’s how:

  • Advanced math models analyze customer data (transactions, behavior, demographics)
  • Predict future behavior and customer value
  • Group similar customers into dynamic micro-segments
  • Build hyper-personalized campaigns that drive real connections!

Think of it as a precision marketing engine, fueling meaningful relationships with your customers!

Theme-Guided Analytics

Our CDP’s advanced analytics core empowers you to:

  • Dive deep into customer segments and campaigns
  • Explore customer coverage and marketing operations
  • Gain a deeper understanding of customer behavior

With our tools, you can:

  • Deliver the right message at the right time to each customer
  • Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) with a customizable dashboard
  • Unleash the power of BI Studio for data-driven decision-making

Think of it as a customer insight engine, fueling data-driven marketing that drives real results!

Customer Data Platforms Consulting

If you’re already investing heavily in advertising and technology, it’s time to consider a CDP. This can elevate your marketing efforts to the next level.

Data Integration

Aggregates data from various sources into a single platform to have a single point of truth

Customer Profiling

Creates detailed, unified profiles for each customer hence reducing the guess work


Allows for precise customer segmentation based on various attributes and behaviours


Enables personalized marketing and communication strategies while removing the redundancies

Analytics and Reporting

Provides insights and reporting on customer behaviour and campaign performance

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